Definition of hogwash: 1. nonsense; 2. meaningless or insincere talk.
Why would I start out this post with that word and define it, especially since it has been months since the last time I have written? It is to say that when you use the power of visualization and affirmations, good things come to pass. They happen!
And so much has happened since my last writing! I really did not start off with the intention of neglecting Model of Leadership Education...really. But I have so many "hats" that I wear that it is getting hard to keep up with everything.
So what is this "hogwash" I speak of??? It definitely is NOT nonsense! A leader simply leads, wouldn't you agree? I have been leading. My life is full of leadership activity. And much I owe to the non-hogwash activity in my life.
Approximately one year ago, I had a horrible asthma attack. It was my first major one in about 10 years. And since I did not have any medication available, I went to Urgent Care to see the doctor and get a prescription. Little did I know how that visit would change my life. The doctor on staff told me that according to my blood tests a year ago, I was diabetic. She went on to explain what medications I would need to take. I declined the medications respectfully saying most prescription drugs do more harm than good in the long run. I also said, "I got my body into this mess. I will get it out of this mess the right way." The doctor lowered her voice as if not wanting to be heard by others and said to me, "I don't like prescribing medications either."
I started eating nutritionally sound and following the food plan found in the book Eat to Live by Dr. Joel Fuhrman. This book was referred to me by a friend that had lost 45 pounds in 5 months and she looked and felt great! When I went back to the doctor three weeks later for results to follow-up tests, I had lost 9 pounds and ALL tests were normal (blood sugar levels, cholesterol,etc). My regular doctor said I was a super healthy 46 year old woman and wished more people would take charge of their own health.
Since that time, I have been hired to do public relations for the gym where I rock climb. I go to health fairs throughout the surrounding communities talking to people about the importance of exercise and of course, promoting the gym. I have spoken at a leadership conference about the importance of taking charge of our own health. And I started teaching yoga classes. I have competed in my first two triathlons, ran various 5Ks, and ran my first half marathon (13.1 miles). I do Cross Fit, Insanity, Tap Out, Zumba fitness dance, Kickboxing, hiked 12 miles on the TransCatalina trail, and of course, my passion -- rock climbing.
My many other "hats" include being on the Arlanza Community Garden Council, teaching American Sign Language and Art to 5 - 8 year olds, mentoring 13 - 15 year old young men scholars to be leaders and entrepreneurs, involved in an adult book colloquium to enhance my own leadership skills, and interpret for Deaf community members. Family life is good. My personal life is full and happy.
In my journal, I have pasted pictures of things I want to do and how I want to be. I have written my own mantras or affirmations on my life's philosophy. Affirmations and visualization works. I have transformed into someone I never imagined. And all because of an asthma attack. Hogwash, you say? I think not!
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