Thursday, May 4, 2017

Entitlement Mentality Part 2

The Founding Fathers of the United States of America were readers. Their readings consisted of original works from Locke, Hume, Shakespeare, Plato, Aristotle, readings from the Bible especially the Old Testament regarding government rule, and many other works. From these readings, they gained the knowledge and insight that were necessary to write documents founded upon principles of freedom for the birth of a new country (aka United States of America) to follow.  The words combined in the founding documents were carefully chosen to last for hundreds of generations.  The only thing to tear it down would come from within the people. Unfortunately it is frightfully happening in this great country.

So how are we tearing it down?  The words "pursuit of happiness" were intentionally used so we can be an ownership, self-reliant, independent people!  For the Founding Fathers of the United States of America, "happiness meant that feeling of self-worth and dignity you acquire by contributing to your community and to its civic life" (" But we have now shifted that to mean that we expect the government to take care of our needs, to solve our problems, to take care of us. And THAT is tearing down our country by creating a big government ever increasing in waste of resources and abuse of power.

 I came across the quote by Benjamin Franklin where he says, "The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself."  We need to eliminate the modern era definition of the "pursuit of happiness" as an entitlement mentality and go back to what it was originally intended.  We owe it to ourselves and our future generations, if they are to live in freedom, to be responsible for getting what we want in life. We need to stop saying, "Our government should do something about such and such (fill in with whatever social issue arises)."  In reality it is the individual's and community's responsibility to seek out the solutions and implement them.

In the book Why We Want You to Be Rich by Robert Kiyosaki and Donald Trump, they say, "The best way to solve the problems of bad financial results is to change our thoughts...That means losing the entitlement mentality...If we do not stop expecting the government to take care of us, we will continue to have the same results -- a bankrupt nation filled with .. financially needy people."

Robert Kiyosaki and Donald Trump continue by saying that most people want to take the path of least resistance by taking the easy way out.  Of course, who wouldn't? Why wouldn't someone want another to take care of them, to help solve their problems?! But a change in thinking is crucial for the future!
So what is the solution offered by these two financially successful men?  It is to become financially literate.  Incorporate the ability to make money and make it work for you.

*  Read books on financial literacy.
* Take a short course on accounting and/or investing.
* Attend seminars and workshops.
* Start a small business to learn skills on growing and managing a business.

 Other things I would like to add to the list are:

* Plant your own garden even a small one.
*  Learn to can, dehydrate and freeze abundance of crops.
* Learn self survival skills, camping, outdoor skills.
* Learn self defense/fighting skills.
*  Learn CPR/Basic First Aid.
* Volunteer in a community charity or nonprofit.
* Read, read read!!
* Add your own items to this list.

Take inventory of your gifts and talents.  Find ways to use them to better your surroundings, to give to your community.

Don't just take without giving.  You are the solution to offer your family, your country, and the world.  This country is still great! There are plenty of opportunities out there.  Once you realize the potential you have, it will be liberating and empowering.  No one and no entity owes you anything.

Set aside the entitlement mentality.  Take charge of your future!!!!

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