Sunday, October 27, 2019

You Tube video: John Taylor Gatto - 01 The Elite Private Boarding Schools

14 Things Private Schools Do (curriculum)

1. No child should graduate without a theory of human nature (understand what makes people tick). This comes history, philosophy, theology, literature, and law.

2. Every graduate have a strong experience with the active literacy: writing an public speaking - writing and speaking well! after regular opportunity to speak (ability to speak your mind in public forums)

3. Insight into major institutional forms such as courts, corporations, military including details into the ideas that drive them.

4. Repeated exercises in forms of good manners and politeness. Politeness and civility is the foundation of all future relationships and alliance.

5. Independent work students are expected to do most of the work.

6. Energetic physical sports are the only way to confer grace on the human presence, not just a luxury or a place to blow off steam. That grace translates into power and money later in life. Ex: For George Washington two things were chosen for him because of commanding presence - horseback riding and ballroom dancing. Sports teach you practice, handling pain, and handling emergencies

7. Complete theory of access to any work place or any person. Ex: work with a mayor of a city INSTEAD of reading civics textbook! Access places and people that students want or need.

8. Responsibility!! Ex: Take care of horse, do important community service, be a leader of club, etc. Always grab of leadership position and deliver more than is expected.

9. Have a personal code of standard - in production, in behavior, in morality <-- This is ongoing and always needs to be checked.

10. Familiarity with the master creations in music, painting, dance, sculpture, designs, architecture, literature, and drama, to be at ease with the arts. Apart from religion, arts is a way to transcend animal aspect from our lives to get in touch with the bigger you.

11. Power of accurate observations and recording. Ex: drawing is a way to sharpen the perception!

12. Ability to deal with challenges of all sorts. To know what will challenge a student means you have to know them very well. One person's challenge is another person's ho-hum. Ex: shyness <--give public presentations. If knocked down always get back up.

13. Habit of caution in reasoning to conclusions.

14. Constant development and testing of judgment: make judgments, discriminate value and follow up on predictions. See if it's consistently or not.

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